October 8, 2011

Travian 4 - Auctions

A look at the auctions system in Travian 4, how it works,
what mistakes not to make and how to make a profit.

Item tier dates:
Level 1: until day 75 of server
Level 2: days 75 - 165 of server
Level 3: starting on day 165 of server

September 28, 2011

Like, favorite and subscribe!

I am back and making new videos. I've uploaded 2 new videos in 3 days, but it's been 3 months since the last one. In that time I've had people write to me asking for more videos but I've just not had the motivation to make new videos. If you want to help my channel grow and keep me motivated to make new videos you should subscribe to my channel. Also, please like and favorite my videos, it helps a lot in bringing new people to my channel. If you haven't already, go ahead...

...click the button!

Travian 4 - Adventures

There are several things a hero is able to find when encountering an adventure:
  • Nothing (except damage and experience)
  • Armour/Weapon (any level of quality possible)
  • Equipment
  • Silver
  • Resources
  • Scattered troops
A list of what you will get in your first 10 adventures:
  • 1x nothing but experience
  • 1x Horse
  • 2x resources
  • 2x silver
  • 1x Troops (basic unit of own tribe, 3 units to be exact)
  • 1x a number of cages
  • 1x a book of wisdom
  • 1x a number of ointments
At activation you get 3 adventures.
In addition you get:
  • day 1 - 3: 3 adventures each day
  • day 4 - 7: 2 adventures each day
  • day 8 - 21: 1.2 adventures each day
  • day 22 - end of server: 0.6 adventures each day
As a 3x speed server is running 3 times as fast you would receive the adventures 3x faster as on a 1x speed server.

    September 26, 2011

    Travian 4 - Hero system

    A look at the new hero system for Travian 4, and the changes from Travian 3.6.

    If you want more info about the hero in Travian 4 or you got some questions about it, you can visit the official FAQ for further information, leave a comment on the video or just message me.

    June 17, 2011

    Travian 4 - Farming oasis

    How to clear oasis for farming and how to keep farming them. Very good way to get ahead early, even before the beginner's protection expire.

    April 1, 2011

    Travian 4 - Catching animals

    How to catch animals in Travian 4 and what animals to catch. I recommend that you catch animals in the 50% crop oasis with rats, snakes, crocodiles and tigers, and explains why. Make sure you get the most defence out of each cage you got. If you think there is a better oasis to catch from in the beginning of a server, please comment on the video. Here is the overview of all the animals defence values:

    Travian 4 - IGM

    When you send someone an IGM (in game message), don't use empty threats, be polite, write understandable (Google translate helps) and don't make your message look like it was written by a 13 year old kid (even if you actually are 13).

    A lot of good travian players are grown ups and don't always look so strong (high population etc.) in the first weeks. You don't know who's at the other end when you write a message. Giving them a reason to go after you is just stupid.

    March 31, 2011

    Travian 4 - The new beginning

    My first Travian 4 video. Talking a bit about the start up, the new tasks, and what you can espect from the game, and my channel in the future.

    mhudson T4 Quest Guide: http://forum.travian.co.uk/showthread.php?t=67439

    TravianStrategy on twitter: http://twitter.com/TravianStrategy

    January 25, 2011

    Don't be a farm (Part 1/3)

    It has been a while since my last video, but part 1 of my guide on how to avoid being a farm in Travian is finally done. It takes quite some time to make these videos, it's a lot of information and I want to make sure I don't miss anything. Also I have to find the best way to present it all. But hopefully I will have part 2 ready soon. As always I'd like to know if you got any question or suggestions.

    January 2, 2011

    Multiple catapult attacks at the same second

    This is how send multiple catapult attacks to land at the same second.

    Tips: You can send multiple reinforcement waves to your own villages to practice.

    Also, shut down all other internet aps on your computer - including Skype, ITunes etc.

    How many catapults do I need to destroy a building?

    Population size of the attacker and defender is critical, so this should only be used a guide. There is a big player vs. small player disadvantage in the catapult equation. Your catapults are much more inefficient when attacking small players.

    As far as I know the catapults of romans, gauls and teuton are not equally strong. Is that correct?

    Romans = 75 AP
    Gauls = 70 AP
    Teutons = 50 AP

    Cats vs buildings and Cats vs defenders are two different equations.

    The cat equation for attacking buildings does not change from tribe to tribe.

    The attack points (Romans 75, Gauls 70 and Teuts 50) are used in the equation to determine attack points against defenders, not buildings.

    what about the stonemansion?

    Level 10 stonemason doubles the number of cats needed.
    Level 20 stonemason tripples the number of cats needed.

    Teuton quests

    2 Main Building level 1
    4 Woodcutter level 1
    9 One of each resource tile level 1 (Rat on the way)
    16 Two of each resource tile level 1 (Wait for rat to to arrive)
    30 All your resource tiles to level 1 + Cropland level 2 (Dove of Peace)
    30 Cranny level 1
    34 One of each resource tile level 2 + Cropland level 2
    35 Main Building level 2
    36 Main Building level 3

    36 Another cropland level 2
    37 Granary
    38 Warehouse
    38 Another cropland level 2
    42 Marketplace
    (BP out)
    54 All resource tiles level 2 + Cropland level 3
    57 Embassy Level 1 (Join alliance)
    (57 Cropland level 3)
    (59 Embassy Level 2)
    (61 Embassy level 3 + found alliance)

    36 Another cropland level 2
    37 Rally Point level 1
    37 Another cropland level 2
    41 Barracks level 1 (2 Clubswinger)
    (BP out)
    53 All resource tiles level 2 + Cropland level 3
    56 Embassy Level 1 (Join alliance)
    (56 Cropland level 3)
    (58 Embassy Level 2)
    (60 Embassy level 3 + found alliance)

    Gaul quests

    2 Main Building level 1
    4 Woodcutter level 1
    9 One of each resource tile level 1 (Rat on the way)
    16 Two of each resource tile level 1 (Wait for rat to to arrive)
    30 All your resource tiles to level 1 + Cropland level 2 (Dove of Peace)
    30 Cranny level 1
    34 One of each resource tile level 2 + Cropland level 2
    35 Main Building level 2
    36 Main Building level 3

    36 Another cropland level 2
    37 Granary
    38 Warehouse
    38 Another cropland level 2
    42 Marketplace
    (BP out)
    54 All resource tiles level 2 + Cropland level 3
    57 Embassy Level 1 (Join alliance)
    (57 Cropland level 3)
    (59 Embassy Level 2)
    (61 Embassy level 3 + found alliance)

    36 Another cropland level 2
    37 Rally Point
    37 Another cropland level 2
    41 Barracks level 1 (2 Phalanx)
    (BP out)
    53 All resource tiles level 2 + Cropland level 3
    56 Embassy Level 1 (Join alliance)
    (56 Cropland level 3)
    (58 Embassy Level 2)
    (60 Embassy level 3 + found alliance)

    Roman quests

    2 Main Building level 1
    4 Woodcutter level 1
    9 One of each resource tile level 1 (Rat on the way)
    16 Two of each resource tile level 1 (Wait for rat to to arrive)
    30 All your resource tiles to level 1 + Cropland level 2 (Dove of Peace)
    30 Cranny level 1
    34 One of each resource tile level 2 + Cropland level 2
    35 Main Building level 2
    36 Main Building level 3

    36 Another cropland level 2
    37 Granary
    38 Warehouse
    38 Another cropland level 2
    42 Marketplace
    (BP out)
    54 All resource tiles level 2 + Cropland level 3
    57 Embassy Level 1 (Join alliance)
    (57 Cropland level 3)
    (59 Embassy Level 2)
    (61 Embassy level 3 + found alliance)

    36 Another cropland level 2
    37 Rally Point
    37 Another cropland level 2
    41 Barracks level 1 (2 Legionnaires)
    (BP out)
    53 All resource tiles level 2 + Cropland level 3
    56 Embassy Level 1 (Join alliance)
    (56 Cropland level 3)
    (58 Embassy Level 2)
    (60 Embassy level 3 + found alliance)

    Gaul counter vs early teuton attack

    This is one way to get back as gaul at teutons that tries to farm you in the early stages of the server. More complete guides on how to prevent people from farming you will be coming out soon.

    Travel time calculator for Travian 3:

    Extended Combat Simulator:

    Travian 4 graphics

    A first look at the Travian 4 graphics. I'm not sure how much Travian 4 content I will put up. It depends a lot on how many players that move from 3.6 to 4. But for now I'm mostly gonna stick to Travian 3.6.

    TravianStrategy Introduction

    The introduction video for my new youtube channel. As I'm sure you will notice, english is not my first language, so just go ahead and make fun of my pronunciation if you want to. I know it's not the most fun video to watch, but this is just an introduction.